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Marius® Coockie Jar - 3 pack


3 Coockie Jars  - Marius patern

Blue jar (large): 107 x 134 mm
Red jar (medium): 89 x 126 mm
White jar (smal): 81 x 114 mm 

Design: Marius ®, Unn Søiland 1953 ©

MARIUS OF NORWAY - named after Marius Eriksen, the famous Norwegian war hero, actor and olympic skier, and in 1954 model for the handknit Sweater from Sandnes Uldvare Fabrik. Regarded as the Norwegian National Sweater, a Norwegian icon. Designed in 1953 by Unn Soiland and also to Sandnes Ullvarefabrikk in 1954 as a handknitpattern. Today, 60 years later, known as the most sold and knitted handknit pattern in Norway.

You may read more about the Marius sweater here.


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