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Face tattoos - Norwegian Flag - 40 Flag

  • 8 Norway temporary Tattoo Set - Body temporary tattoo 
  • Real print size of the flag: 4 are 4.5 cm width, 4 are 3cm width.
  • Premium quality, rich colors last for days (depends on your skin) 
  • English instructions on back
  • Easy to use - transferable with water

HOW TO APPLY (This is also written on the back of the tattoos)

  1. Skin sholud be clean and free from oil & make up
  2. Cut the image you want to apply from the tattoo sheet
  3. Remove the clear, protective cover sheet.
  4. Press tattoo firmly onto clea, dry skin with design face down
  5. Hold wet cloth against back of tattoo, press down and make sure to wet it thoroughly
  6. Wait 10 seconds (don´t hurry) and then peel of paper backing
  7. Gently rinse image with water for best effect


Soak with rubbing alcohol, mineral/ baby oil for 30 seconds, and then gently massage the tattoo with your fingers. Not recomended: Scrubbing with soap and water or using tape to lift the tattoo as this may cause skin irritation and redness, especially on sensitive area such as the face.

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